"DESCRIPTION 1"="Outlook 2002 (XP) uses a very strict file type security management. This means, you can not acess some files from an email at all (so called "Level 1" files) and some can only be saved to disk but not started ("Level 2" files)."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="For example, EXE files are by default Level 1 files which means you can not start them or save them. Outlook simple blocks them."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="With this setting, you can "Downgrade" some of those Level 1 files (no access to all) to Level 2 files (you can save them to disk)."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Simply click "Add" and enter the extension you do not have access to (e.g. "EXE") so you can save them to disk from a email."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"